Remove AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL malware!

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AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL Information and Removal:

The file AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL was tested and considered as Adware.

Adware displays pop-up ads in order to generate revenue for its author.

AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL shows pop-up ads or text ads or advertising banners.

Sometimes AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL displays coupons banners for sites you are visiting.

The banners are really annoying and invasive.

There is no way to stop AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL unwanted pop-ups.

Clicking link causes randomly redirecting your browser to the different pages with advertisements of computer speedup utilities fake antiviruses and other unwanted software.

How did AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL got on my computer?

It can be downloaded from the program's web site or bundled with some third-party software.

AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL is often bundled within the installers from download sites.

Most of software download sites distribute pay-per-install bundles instead of original installers.

We recommend you to download software only from vendor web site or from trusted sources.

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Suggest you to remove the AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL file and all related files.

AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL is known as:
Antivirus testing: 21 / 68
Dangerous Status: Adware
Malware Aliases: PUP/Win32.CrossRider Adware/CrossRider.KB GrayWare[WebToolbar:not-a-virus]/NSIS.Adwapper.df Generic PUA.Win32.CrossRider.

MD5 of AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL = DE59714A2161E2EE3C5255180CBFCA76

AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL size is 139176 bytes.

Full path on a computer: C:\PROGRAM FILES\8C7665DF-55DC-4321-B6C6-6DFD9A17C0D4\AE9469CC-B761-4CE6-A569-5797878587E2.DLL



Fix it immediately!

Recommended: UnHackMe anti-rootkit and anti-malware

Premium software: RegRun Security Suite (Good choice for removal and protection)

Your antivirus has shut itself off and you can't get it to start up again? Your search results are redirected all over the place. A lot of your folders are hidden. Random sounds are played on your laptop at random intervals (such as gunshots, etc.)

You guess it is a virus!

UnHackMe fixes your problems. Fix it now!

Is it malware?
Yes. Remove it! No. False positive. free polls 
